Maryland Episcopal Cursillo
A Day of Deeper Understanding
Remember, the Cursillo Weekend is only the beginning!
All Cursillista’s are invited to attend this meaningful half-day program which
focuses on effectively living out the 4th Day, especially in our secular environments.
Workshop topics will address questions and issues such as:
I attended a Cursillo Weekend ... now what?
There was so much to absorb ... what is most important?
Is Cursillo of real value in ... my spiritual life?
How can I share the experience I had with others?
Whether you’re a brand new Cursillista or someone who made your weekend years ago,
we hope you’ll join us for this meaningful day of learning,
reflection and celebration of God’s presence in our daily lives!
Please join us for one of the many monthly Ultreyas held at various
churches throughout the Diocese of Maryland.
Click here for information on how you can be a part of the next Three-Day Weekend.
If you are currently a Cursillista and would like to become more involved,
please complete and submit the Resource form