Maryland Episcopal Cursillo
Maryland Episcopal Cursillo – Three Day Weekend
It is the desire of Maryland Episcopal Cursillo to try to prevent financial issues from standing in the way of a candidate or a prospective team member. Individuals may request a partial scholarship (up to one-half of the total cost of the Weekend) to attend a Maryland Cursillo Three-Day Weekend.
Please note that requests for scholarship assistance should be made only after seeking support from one's clergy and/or home parish, sponsor, Group or Ultreya. Because Maryland Episcopal Cursillo scholarship funds are limited, the local community is encouraged to provide scholarship assistance whenever possible.
The Cost of a Maryland Episcopal Cursillo
Three-Day Weekend is currently:
Sponsor’s Fee
for Candidate who attends a Parish
within the Diocese of Maryland) - $75.00
Team Member's Fee
(regardless of Diocese) - $265.00
This covers only The Claggett Center
room and board for the Weekend.