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Maryland Episcopal Cursillo​​



A Message from

The Rt. Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton,

Bishop of Maryland

June 18, 2019


Greetings to you in the name of God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ!


I give thanks to God for each of you who have attended a Cursillo Weekend in the Diocese of Maryland, and for each of you who are considering attending a future weekend.  Cursillo weekends offer a joy filled learning experience that reinforces the presence of Christ in our lives and provides support for our spiritual walk with Him.


A movement of the Episcopal Church under the authority of the Presiding and Diocesa​n Bishops, Cursillo seeks to bring the world to Christ by empowering adult Christian leaders to live out their Baptismal covenant to serve Christ.


I made my Cursillo as a seminarian in the summer of 1978 in Muskegon, Michigan.  Since that time, I’ve been privileged to serve as a spiritual director/advisor on thirteen Cursillo weekends, including Maryland Weekends 101, 104, and 113.  I have witnessed firsthand the power of the Spirit to transform lives through this movement in ways that renew our beloved diocese and the wider Episcopal Church.


Referred to as a “short course” in Christian living, a Cursillo weekend will help you to discern your own calling to serve as a Christian leader – both in the church environment and in your secular life among friends and family. The Cursillo experience can serve as a powerful instrument of renewal for you and, through you, the Church.


If you have not attended a Cursillo Weekend, please talk to your rector or a fellow parishioner who has been to Cursillo, and prayerfully consider attending a weekend soon – now may be the time!


Your brother in Christ,


The Rt. Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton, Bishop of Maryland


A Message from

The Rt. Rev. Robert W. Ihloff

Bishop of Maryland, Retired



I am happy to heartily recommend Cursillo for your prayerful consideration. This is one of the best ways I know for Christians to come together to talk about roots of our faith and to share a lively sense of faith with others.

When Nancy and I made our Cursillo in 1996, we found it an extremely moving experience. The witnessing of other Christians to their own personal faith and our discussions of the very basic things that tie us together as Christian persons were both enlivening and enlightening. The fact that this can be done with the spirit of good fun and humor is also extremely helpful. I feel quite confident that any Christian person will find Cursillo to be an enhancement of their faith. Some will find it downright moving and life changing.

It is obvious to me that many of our key leaders in the Diocese are persons who are deeply committed to Cursillo, and this in itself suggests the health of the organization in its approach and the wonderful ways in which Cursillo produces renewal and a sense of vibrant and enjoyable faith.

Please do yourself the favor of signing up for one of our Cursillo Weekends in either the fall or the spring. There are always good excuses as to why it is not convenient to go - it is a large crunch of time - but everyone who has been agrees that the time was well taken and wished that they had gone even earlier.

+ Robert W. Ihloff, Bishop of Maryland, Ret.

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